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Do You Believe In Magic?

March 24, 2015

Do you believe in magic? Well it may be time to start. “Magic” is a virtual assistant accessed simply by a phone number. The same way you might send a text message to a real assistant you text Magic’s number and a live operator responds to your need. As their site says “Anything you want. As long as it’s not illegal.”  For example you need a ticket to Chicago for the upcoming weekend. You just send a SMS message to Magic saying, “I need a plane ticket to Chicago Friday night.” You may receive a follow up question such as, “Do you have airline preference?” or “Cheapest or most direct?” Once you respond with the information the Magic operators will send you the information and ask for confirmation, “There is a flight leaving San Antonio at 7:20 a.m., arriving in Chicago at 11:43p.m. For $359.00 does that work for you?”

And just like that it’s done. While Magic does charge a fee for its services it is included in the price they give you as well as a tip, if the situation calls for it. This may come in handy to someone with a busy schedule who can’t afford an assistant but may seem costly to someone who could just as easily go online and order pizza or plane tickets themselves.

Because Magic is a startup there is a wait-list to join it or if you can’t wait, an optional $50 fee to skip the wait-list.

Could this be the answer to your hectic schedule? Would you feel confident using a virtual assistant to make your travel plans, send your significant other flowers on Valentine’s Day, or even just to have a pizza delivered to your house? Let us know what you think.

See what others are saying about Magic:

Magic Is A Startup That Promises To Bring You Anything- If You’re Willing To Pay For It

There Is Now A “Magic” Number You Can Text That Will Get You Anything (Read: Anything Legal) That You Want